Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Case Study of Aalsmeer Flower Auction, Introducing an Information Essay

The Case Study of Aalsmeer Flower Auction, Introducing an Information System - Essay Example A range of facilities are available at the auction, such as access to marketing channels and financial information, storage facilities and management of logistics. Prices of flowers are determined at these auctions because it offers a nodal point where suppliers and buyers can meet, and the prices set at the auction are also used in other parts of the world as price indicators. The auction also provides a place where growers who bring their flowers in large quantities at optimum transportation costs and can then break them down into smaller quantities for specific buyers and thereby improve efficiency. While this has been a good arrangement for several years, certain developments have created a problem situation where the level of business at the auction may be compromised. These developments are as follows: (b) While growers are able to achieve efficiency by getting savings in transportation costs, retailers are unable to achieve similar efficiencies because consumer tastes are changing and in order to satisfy those changing tastes, retailers need access to fresher flowers, smaller quantities, larger number of varieties and more than one delivery every week, thereby making the supply based auction unviable in a situation where demand might need to drive supply. (c) The voice of retailers and their changing demands has become sharper, because of the mergers and acquisitions among them. Growers are also becoming more interested in using electronic means to sell their products. In view of the above, the Alsameer Flower Auction has felt the threat to its existing business processes and experienced the need to bring about structural and operational changes to improve their market share, strengthen their connection with wholesalers and retailers, reduce the transaction costs and enable innovation. In order to achieve these aims, the

Monday, October 28, 2019

National Security vs Individaul Privacy Essay Example for Free

National Security vs Individaul Privacy Essay 1. Your document’s heading is not formatted correctly. In the upper left corner of the first page, the words Running head: should preface a shortened version of your title. The upper right corner of the page should have the numerical page number. The shortened version of your title should be in all capital letters. On subsequent pages, the shortened version of your title should appear on the lefthand side, with a page number on the right-hand side. For additional information, visit the Ashford Writing Center located in Constellation. Click on Ch 7 -Sample Paper with Formatting Instructions. [Nicole Moore] 2. Instructor: Leon, You should be using a 12 pt. font, and double spacing your work. [Nicole Moore] Throughout history, there have been breeches to the security of this nation which caused an increase in awareness. Rights and civil liberties of the public have been cut, and in many instances revoked completely. Individual privacy is 2 1. Throughout Leon, You are not using the correct font. You need to be using  Times New Roman 12 pt. Please adjust for your final paper. Remember to use Times New Roman 12 point font per 6th edition APA guidelines. [Nicole Moore] 2. in awareness. an awareness of what? Make sure you are clear. [Nicole Moore] 3. Block quotations of more than 40 words should be double spaced per APA 6th edition guidelines. Each line should be indented 1/2 inch. Quotation marks should not be included, and the citation should be placed at the end of the quote following the punctuation. [Nicole Moore] 4. Since the attack on the World Trade Leon, please try reading this sentence out loud what are you trying to say? I think you might be missing some words. How might you rework? [Nicole Moore] 5. In response, law enforcement agencies Are the agencies requesting them now, or have they been requesting them since 2001? You might want to use the past tense or say, ..agencies have been requesting [Nicole Moore]  important and if you take it away from the public, they will then feel an increase of intrusion and loss of privacy. â€Å"All human rights are indivisible, interdependent, and interrelated: the improvement of one right facilitates advancement of the others; the deprivation of one right adversely affects others. Freedom of expression and privacy are explicit parts of this international framework of human rights and are enabling rights that facilitate the meaningful realization of other human rights.† (Dunstan, 2011) Since the attack on the World Trade Center, U.S. soil have resulted in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent human lives. In response, law enforcement agencies are requesting broader and more pervasive laws to counter this security challenge. As technology has grown in leaps and bounds over the last three decades, it has also brought with it new challenges to protecting people’s privacy and curbing privacy violations. Determining the proper balance between citizens’ right, civil liberties, and concerns for security is a particularly vexing difficulty for the democratic societies. It has long been understood that civil liberties are neither absolute nor unequivocal and that there is normally tension between the carrier for democratic values and the desire to live in safety and security. â€Å"Citizens’ rights frequently collide with the 1. â€Å"Citizens’ rights frequently collide Great quote for right here. Double check the APA formatting guidelines you want to put the period on the outside of the (). citizens (Davis, 2008). [Nicole Moore]  rights of others and with governments’ ability to provide for the safety of its citizens.† (Davis, D. W. 2008) 1 National Security plays a part in every aspect of the world. What national security does is maintain the survival of  the state through the use of economic, diplomacy, power projection, and political power. Protections give a nation what it needs to posses economic security, energy security, and environmental security. The national valuables in this broad sense include current assets and national interests, as well as the sources of strength upon which our future as a nation depends. A former NSA director, Gen. Michael Hayden, now director of the Central Intelligence Agency, has said the NSA often gets FISA warrants for wiretaps. He knew that Bush was using this tool to gather information. Bush had the NSA employees also listen in on conversations without such warrants if they suspect links to terror groups, he said. â€Å"In its suit, the ACLU also contends that the NSA surveillance program violates First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and assembly by intruding into the private conversations and e-mail exchanges of individuals and organizations. Deans, (2006) â€Å"Weeks after the September 11 attacks, Bush issued a top-secret order authorizing the National Security Agency to use its high-tech eavesdropping tools to listen in on phone calls and read electronic mail coming into the United States. The Fourth Amendment of the constitution prohibits â€Å"unreasonable searches and seizures† without judicial warrant affirming there is â€Å"probable cause† for suspecting criminal activity.† Deans, (2006) Despite the labors of the Bush administration to bypass the FISC system, FISA courts still exist and the number of warrant request coming before them has increased significantly in recent years. The use of FISA and its courts does protect the government from accusation that it violates the Fourth Amendment rights U. S. persons. Since the disclosure of the warrantless searches, President Bush has instructed the various intelligence organizations that the FISC system be used for all intelligence-gathering activities. The debate over FISA and its court is ongoing, with many critics believing that both the law 2. Is this another long quote? If so, you might consider the amount of quotes you are using, and rely more on your own writing and statements. Use the research to support your analysis, not fill up your paper. It generally requires the government to seek warrants before monitoring Americans’ communications. The  controversy over the FISC Court has intensified. The Bush administrations make it view known that the onerous requirements of FISA stood in the way of intelligence gathering. In a secret court proceeding before the FISA Appeals Court on September 9, 2002, with only government lawyers present, the Bush administration presented its case that the FISC had hindered the flow of information and had obstructed the president’s authority to conduct warrantless searches to obtain foreign intelligence information. â€Å"Less than an hour after President Bush signed the 2008 amendment, the ACLU filed a law suit challenging the law’s constitutionality. Because the 2008 amendment is scheduled to sunset in December, the ACLU is also calling on Congress to Fix FISA by prohibiting dragnet surveillance activities, and strengthening safeguards for privacy.† American Civil Liberties Union, (2012) Bush’s main goal was to gather as much information coming into the United States, but forgot about the fact that he would invade peoples’ privacy. It seem like everything was moving fast and no thought was put in it from the government. Our civil rights is right for us the citizens of this country to have privacy, the right of peaceful protest, the right to a fair trial, the right to personal freedom and the right of equal protection. However, when you take our freedom away for expressing ourselves, you violate our civil rights. This Act allowed him to violate the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution which further blurred the lines between national security and individual privacy. It is precisely the reason why we’re so skeptical about the implementation of national security over our civil rights. They 1. but forgot about the fact that I really take issue with the word forgot I feel that you will be much better served, and have a stronger  paper, if you find a different word disregarded, ignored, etc [Nicole Moore] 2. Our civil rights is right for us the Our civil rights give the citizens of this country the right to. [Nicole Moore] 3. why we’re who is were? do you mean some U.S. citizens? Be clear about your references. [Nicole Moore] forget about the little people that make up this country. One must understand that the problem that is in conflict with our civil rights here, relates more to internal security than it does to external. National security is important to the safety of this country but it should never intrude an individual privacy. The national valuables in this broad sense include current assets and national interests as well as the sources of strength upon which our future as nation depends on it. 4 4. National security is important This, Leon, should be your specific claim, and it should be in the beginning of your paper, not on page 6. [Nicole Moore] -6- Reference ACLU, (2012) American Civil Liberties Union’s Retrieve from Atkins, S. E., (2008) Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978. ABC CLIO, Retrieved from rveillance_act_of_1978 Davis, D. W., (2008) Civil Liberties and Security Retrieved from nd_security Deans, B., (2006) Domestic Wiretaps: Rights Suit Centers on U.S. security vs. privacy of citizens. The Atlanta Journal, Retrieved from Unabridged. Retrieved December 10, 2012, from website: Dunstan, A.H., (2011) Protecting Human Rights in the Digital Age.BSR Retrieved from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Marketing MA Management and International Business Essay -- Business a

Marketing MA Management and International Business Introduction CRM is a term for methodologists, technologies and e-commerce capabilities -used by companies to manage customer relationships. (Foss, 2001:1) It is also called customer management, customer care and sometimes customer centricity or customer-centric management. (Brown, 2000:1) All the names and definitions of CRM have customer, as its core-it is the management of customer relationships, which attempts to revolutionize marketing and reshape entire business models. To survive and grow the business must make a profit. To make a profit it has to find people who are willing to pay more for its products/services than they cost. Therefore profit comes from customers. All Profit comes from customers So if no profit=no business And no customers=no profit Then no customers=no business Therefore customers ARE the business The idea of CRM is not new-it was the way the local shopkeeper treated his customer-he knew him, knew what was happening in his life, what he was buying, (one to one marketing?) etc. What is new though is that nowadays the retailers try to establish dialog with tens of thousands or even millions of customers in an attempt to understand them better, their individual needs and maximise the lifetime value of this relationship. In this respect it is not ‘revolution’ of marketing, but rather ‘evolution’. The old model of doing business is back into action but armed with technology and different schemes to reach the customer and retain them for life. The four types of CRM programmes, described by Stanley (2000) are aimed at enabling the company to win back customers, who have defected or are planning to, (Win Back or Save), to create loyalty among customers (Retail Loyalty), to up-sell or cross sell services to these customers (Cross Sell/Up-Sell) and to prospect for new customers (Prospecting) Retail Loyalty "Loyalty is a feeling or attitude of devoted attachment and affection; or the act of binding oneself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. ( In everyday life loyalty implies emotional commitment to family and friends, fidelity in marriage. It also suggests monogamy-one choice above all others. (Humby, 2003:9) In this sense loyalty is something expected. But when it comes to... ...ce a Customer, Always a Customer† Dublin: Oak Tree Press Foss, B., Stone, M., (2001) â€Å"Successful Customer Relationship Marketing† London: Kogan Page Gilbert, D., (1999) â€Å"Retail Marketing Management† Harlow: FT/Pitman Humby, C. et al., (2003) â€Å"Scoring Points† London: Kogan Page Oliver R. (1997) â€Å"Research† New York: McGraw Hill Omar, O (1999) â€Å"Retail Marketing† London:FT Management Reichheld, R. (1996) â€Å"The Quest for Loyalty† Boston: Harvard Business School Press Daley, J (2004)† Is a toaster a fair swap for your loyalty as a shopper?† The Independent ( Davis, H. (2002) â€Å"Marketing is all about intellectual use of data† Loyalty Guide Jones, K (2002) â€Å"Are you exploiting the potential of your customer base?† Loyalty Guide asda+loyalty+scheme -loyalty-cards 2002) report by E.Ripley) Cross J. (2004) Lecture notes Southampton, University College

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research methodology Essay

Methodology and methods are two terms which have been used interchangeably often by scholars. The practice is unfortunate because they are not the same. The former refers to philosophy and the latter refers to technical procedures applied to conduct research. The word methodology comprises two nouns: method and ology, which means a branch of knowledge; hence, methodology is a branch of knowledge that deals with the general principles or axioms of the generation of new knowledge. It refers to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie any natural, social or human science study, whether articulated or not. Simply put, methodology refers to how each of logic, reality, values and what counts as knowledge inform research. On the other hand, methods are the techniques and procedures followed to conduct research, and are determined by the methodology (i.e. sampling, data collection, data analysis and results reporting, as well as theories, conceptual frameworks, taxonomies and models). Even the focus and intent of the research, and the actual research questions themselves, are shaped by the methodology (McGregor, 2010). In methodology we study the various steps that are generally adopted by a researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic behind them. It is necessary for the researcher to know not only the research methods/techniques but also methodology. (Kothari, 2004). The following are the systematic analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed in research which define methodology: 1. Formulating the Research Problem The definition of research question is the most important step when undertaking any research as they give direction to the research method applied (Yin, 2003). Sebastian et al, (2011) explains that it requires an open mind while framing the research question. At the same time the researcher is required to familiarize with potential research methods and build awareness of their requirements. A researcher must examine all available literature to get himself acquainted with the selected problem. 2. Literature Review A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period. Comprehensive knowledge of the literature of the field is essential to most research papers. Literature reviews provide you with a handy guide to a particular topic and can give you an overview or act as a stepping stone. They also provide a solid background for a research paper’s investigation. Depending on the situation, the literature review may evaluate the sources and advise the reader on the most pertinent or relevant (The Writing Center, 2010-2013). For purposes of literature review abstracting and indexing journals,conference proceedings, government reports, books etc must be tapped depending on the nature of the problem. 3. Developing a Working Hypothesis Hypothesis is a statement of the predicted relationship between two or more variables. As a reseracher you do not know about a phenomenon but you do have a hunch(theory) to form the basis of certain assumption or guesses. You test these by collecting information that will enable you to conclude if your hunch was right. The verification process have one of the three ouytcomes, right, partially right and wrong. Without this process of verification, you cannot conclude anything about the validity of your assumptions. Hence hypotheses is a hunch, assumption, suspicion, assertion or an idea about a phenomenon, relationship or situation, the reality or truth of which you do not know. These hypotheses form the basis for enquiry (Slideshare, 2013). 4. Preparing Rearch Design Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a particular manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure (Slideshare, 2013). In order to develop a complete research design it is valuable to understand the nature of the point from philosophical point of view. Failure to think through philosophical issues can seriouly affect the quality of management resesearch (Eaterby-Smith et al, 2008). The steps involved in research design according to (Umesh) are: a) The means of obtaining the information b) The availability and skills of the researcher and his staff (if any) c) Explanation of the way in which selected means of obtaining information will be organized and the reasoning leading to the selection. d) The time available for research e) The cost factor relating to research i.e. the finance available for the purpose 5. Determining Sample Design Sample design is a definite plan determined before any data are actually collected for obtaining a sample from a given population. The sample design to be used must be decided by the researcher taking into consideration the nature of the inquiry and other related factors. According to Statistics and Probability Dictionary, (2013) a sample design is made up of two elements: 1. Sampling method. Sampling method refers to the rules and procedures by which some elements of the population are included in the sample. Some of the common sample methods used are simple random sampling, stratified sampling and cluster sampling. 2. Estimator. The estimation process for calculating sample statistics is called the estimator. Different sampling methods may use different estimators. For example, the formula for computing a mean score with a simple random sample is different from the formula for computing a mean score with a stratified sample. The â€Å"best† sample design depends on survey objectives and on survey resources. 6. Data Collection According to Basic Tools for Process Improvement, Data Collection, (1998-2013) data collection is obtaining useful information on key quality characteristics produced by your process. Data Collection enables a team to formulate and test working assumptions about a process and develop information that will lead to the improvement of the key quality characteristics of the product or service. In summary, data collection helps to establish a factual basis to making a decision. For one to collect data uniformly, you will need to develop a data collection plan. The data collection plan developed should answer the following question: 1. Why do we want the data? What will we do with the data after we have collected them? You must decide on a purpose for collecting the data 2. Where will we collect data? The location where data are collected must be identified clearly. 3. What type of data will we collect? In general, data can be classified into two major types: attribute data and variables data 4. Who will collect the data? Those closest to the data, the process workers, should collect the data 5. How do we collect the right data? Collect data that best describe the situation at hand. 7. Data analysis Eisenhardt, (1989) explains that analysis is an interactive process started with the development and presentation of an initial set of theoretical propositions based on evidence from the first phase of data collection, during field work and the theoretical assumptions associated with the theoretical framework. According to Kothari, (2004) the term analysis refers to the computation of certain measures along with searching for patterns of relationships that exist among data-groups. Thus ‘in the process of analysis, relationships or differences supporting or conflicting with original or new hypotheses should be subjected to statistical tests of significance to determine with what validity data can be said to indicate any conclusions. The process operations in data analysis are: a. Editing: it is a process of examining the collected raw data to detect errors and ommsisions and to correct these where possible. b. Coding: it refers to the process of assigning numerals or other symbols to answers so that responses cab be put into a limited number of categories or classes. c. Classification: it is the process of arranging data in groups or classes on the basis of common characteristics. d. Tabulation: it is to arrange data in some kind of concise and logical order. 8. Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing refers to the formal procedures used by statisticians to accept or reject statistical hypotheses (What is Hypothesis Testing, 2013). Statisticians follow a formal process to determine whether to reject a null hypothesis, based on sample data (Statistics and Probability Dictionary, 2013). This process is called hypothesis testing. An hypothesis test consists of four steps. a) Formulate the hypotheses. This involves stating the null and alternative hypotheses. The hypotheses are stated in such a way that they are mutually exclusive. That is, if one is true, the other must be false; and vice versa. b) Identify the test statistic. This involves specifying the statistics (e.g., a mean score, proportion) that will be used to assess the validity of the null hypothesis. c) Formulate a decision rule. A decision rule is a procedure that the researcher uses to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. d) Test the null hypothesis. Use the decision rule to evaluate the test statistic. If the statistic is consistent with the null hypothesis, you cannot reject the null hypothesis; otherwise, reject the null hypothesis. 9. Interpretation Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences from the collected facts after an analytical and/or experimental study (Kothari, 2004). The task of interpretation has two major aspects viz., (i) the effort to establish continuity in research through linking the results of a given study with those of another, and (ii) the establishment of some explanatory concepts. Interpretation is considered a basic component of research process because of the following: a) It is through interpretation that the researcher can well understand the abstract principle that works beneath his findings. Through this he can link up his findings with those of other studies, having the same abstract principle, and thereby can predict about the concrete world of events. Fresh enquiries can test these predictions later on. This way the continuity in research can be maintained. b) Interpretation leads to the establishment of explanatory concepts that can serve as a guide for future research studies c) Researcher can better appreciate only through interpretation why his findings are what they are and can make others to understand the real significance of his research findings. d) The interpretation of the findings of exploratory research study often results into hypotheses for experimental research and as suich interpretation is involved in the transition from exploratory to experimental research. 10. Report Writing Features of Good report, (2013) defines a report as a piece of informative writing that describes a set of actions and analyses any results in response to a specific brief. A quick definition might be: â€Å"This is what I did and this is what it means.† Kothari, (2004) outlines the following as different steps in writing a report: a. Logical analysis of the subject matter: thre are two ways in which to develop a subject (i) logically and (ii) chronologically. The logical development is made on the basis of mental connections and associations between the one thing and another by means of analysis. It contains materials from the simple possible to the most complex structures. Chronological development is based on a connection or sequence in time or occurrence, the directions for doing or making follow the chronological order. b. Preparation of the final outcome: outlines are the framework upon which long written works are constructed. They are and aid to the logical organisation of the material and a reminder of the points to be stressed in the report c. Preparation of the rough draft: the researcher writes down what he has done in the context of his study. He will write down the procedure adopted by him in collecting the material for his study along with limitations faced, the technique of analysis adopted, the broad findings and generalizations and the various suggestions he wants to offer regarding the problem concerned. d. Rewriting and polishing the rough draft: while rewriting and polishing, one should check the report for weaknesses in logical development or presentation. He should also see whether the material presented as it is presented , has unity and cohesion. In addition the researcher should give due attention to the fact that in his rough draft if he has been consistent or not. He should check the mechanics of writing-grammar, spelling and usage. e. Preparation of the final bibliography: the bibliography , should contain all the works which the researcher has consulted. f. Writing the final draft: while writing the final draft, the researcher must avoid abstract terminology and technical jargon. Illiustrations and examples based on common experiences must be incorporated in the final draft as they happen to be most in communicating the research findings to others. The format suggested below is the same as that used in most published papers as laid down in Guide to Writing Research Reports, (2013). 1) Title: The title should provide a single line description of the study. In many cases, the title will mention the independent and dependent variables. Your title should be a brief, but accurate reflection of the content of the report 2) Abstract: The abstract is a short summary of the report. It should contain a brief description of the rationale and of the method, results and discussion sections. It should be a comprehensive but concise summary of the whole report which will enable readers to decide if they wish to read any further. A useful rule of thumb is to try to write four concise sentences describing: (1) Why you did it, (2) What you did, (3) What results you found and (4) What you concluded. Write the abstract after you have written the rest of the report. 3) Introduction (Why you did it): The Introduction should present the reasoning behind the particular study which you are describing. This means that the reader, having read the introduction, should feel able to anticipate what your study will involve and should allow someone who is not an expert to understand why you did this study. For this reason the introduction will begin at a general background level and progress through to the specific reasons for and aims of the study. This will normally include a review of past work in the area and an explanation of the theoretical or practical reasons for doing the study. 4) Method (How you did it): In the method section, you describe the essentials of how you gathered your data. This section must contain enough information for the reader to be able to repeat the study, but should exclude any irrelevant details. It explains about the (i) research participants, (ii) apparatus used, (iii) materials used, (iv) design and (v) procedure. 5) Results (What you found out): Begin this section with a description of how you treated your data. This means that you should describe what you got from all of the responses that were made by each participant to the scores that were analyzed. Follow the description of the treatment of the data with a clear, concise summary of the data using descriptive statistics. 6) Discussion (What you think it means): This is the section in which you interpret the results of the study and discuss their meaning. It is important that your discussion relates to the issues raised in the introduction, since this presented the reasons for conducting the study and the results should provide more details about these issues. You should link the arguments made in this section with the issues and research hypotheses raised in your introduction section. In particular: (i) How do your results compare with your research questions and/or predictions? (ii) How do your results compare with relevant published results? (iii) What are the implications for future research? 7) References: Should contain all the works which the researcher has consulted. 8) Appendices: You should include here all material that would have been obtrusive or damaging to the ‘flow’ of the report itself, and not just use it as a bin to contain things you wished to say but could not fit into the main report. Therefore, the contents of the Appendices usually consist of raw data, statistical formulae and computations, lengthy protocols, examples of stimuli and details of stimulus preparation, etc Bibliography 1. Basic Tools for Process Improvement, Data Collection. (1998-2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from Balance Scorecard institute, Strategy Management Group: 2. Eaterby-Smith. (2008). Management Research: An Introduction. SAGE publishers Ltd. 3. Eisenhardt, K. (1989). Building Theories from Case Study Research. Academy of Management Review , 14 (4) 532-550. 4. Features of Good report. (2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from University of Reading, Malaysia: 5. Guide to Writing Research Reports. (2013). Retrieved September 15th, 2013, from University of Essex, UK: 6. Kothari. (2004). Research methodology: Methods and Techniques Second Edition. Jaipur,India: New Age International Publishers Limited. 7. McGregor, J. A. (2010). Paradigm, Methodology and Method: Intellectual Integrity in Consumer Ccholarship. International Journal of Consumer Studies 34 . 8. Sebastian Reiter, G. S. (2011). Strategy for Delayed Research Method Selection: Deciding Between Grounded Theory and phenomenology. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods Volume 9 . 9. Slideshare. (2013). Retrieved September 14th, 2013, from Slideshare.Inc: 10. Slideshare. (2013). Retrieved September 14th, 2013, from Slideshare.Inc: 11. Statistics and Probability Dictionary. (2013). Retrieved September

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

English As A Second Language Program Essay

An ESL or English as a second Language program, as the name suggests is for students or people in general who do not speak English as their first language and have an interest in learning this language for certain reasons which may range from applying to a college or university in United states or elsewhere or they would want to get accustomed to this language for the purpose of conducting business overseas, for communication with peers at work or it can be for the simple reason of communicating with people at different situations. In this article we are going to focus on ESL programs for students at a school district, comparing and contrasting on the ways they are executed and the ways they should be executed. English as a Second Language programs for students are offered to students by either scheduling classes in between their regular course classes or they can be undertaken as a separate programs by certain individuals who are accommodated in the vicinity of the university. Today, since the ratio of international students is increasing at an alarming rate in United States or Canada, offering an ESL program is more of a legal requirement for most districts so that all students are taken forward together at university or when they enroll into one in future. It is also due to this very fact that a lot of emphasis is given to ESL programs at elementary and middle school levels to prepare students to use English as a channel of communication in future. The execution and the effectiveness of these programs however, vary with different school districts depending upon trained teacher, the program and the dedication of the students themselves. The duration and intensity of an ESL program varies with the individual or university requirement and can be full time or part time, ranging from a couple of weeks to even a year. These details as mentioned do differ, so for example the ESL program offered at the Greenwich public school which aims at providing students academic and communication skills In order for them to succeed in U.S universities as effectively as possible. The elementary school offers this program for an average 2- 4 years with one to eight hours of instruction every week depending upon the grade and language individual needs of students. The school also focuses on very small groups and emphasizes individual attention to students to better understand their weaknesses and fill I the gaps. The Greenwich Public School district has been offering ESL programs for the past 28 years and has seen an influx in the number of ESL students over the years. In the year 2004-05 approximately 731 students enrolled in the program altogether from 54 countries. The elementary school curriculum includes a variety of materials according to student needs such as work books, songs, CD’s, learning of poems, class presentations etc. this program is more content based   and strong emphasis is give on the reading aspect in this program.   The program is organized around themes and aims at teaching critical thinking along with language skills to enable success in mainstream class rooms. In more specific terms this ESL program for elementary students includes Theme based English series which includes work books, posters etc. Group activities (theme based) which tend to explore literature along with songs, activities, TPR games etc. Miami Linguistics, which are designed for ESL beginners in a sequential reading manner. In Greenwich Public School, after completing the elementary school program after reaching grade 2 or grade 3, ESL students are expected to formulate questions, read outside of class, compare materials in a text and also contrast them. They are also able to express a story in their own words with proper understanding and expressions, write small paragraphs and initiate conversations. After completing the basic ESL program for elementary school, students can decide to move out of the program or advance to higher level middle school ESL program, which has its own curriculum and particular hours to be covered aimed at developing proficiency in English language. Placement in this program is based on entry tests and educational history. After looking at the details of different ESL programs offered by various institutes, if one actually compares them with reality, one can say that ESL programs put students under a lot of stress as they try to achive excellence in a second language, therefore recreational facilities should be made affordable, also the students should be encouraged to mingle with American students in order to culturally adjust with them   and pur into practice all the theories they have learnt in   class. Also one of the most important things which teachers for this program need to understand is that students enrolled in an ESL program come from very different backgrounds and cultures, therefore the same methodoligies cannot be applied across the board for teachin purposes. Students must be carefully monitered and encouraged to use their strengths to achive succcess in the course.   (Currie, 2003) If one compares the ESL program offered by greemwich Public School with other ESL programs offered, we can say that most ESL programs are similar in conducting theme based activities, which can be selected by asking students what they want to say, moulding the curiculum in children’s interest. Also at this stage most ESL programs are content based, songs are also one of the important keys to success in most ESL progrms. One of the methods which can contribute towards the improvement of an ESL program at Greenwich is that revision of matrial is very important before every new leson taught, this can be best achived with the help of songs before proceeding forward. Each lesson should be broken down into three to four parts, starting with warm up and revision of previous material, then teaching new lesson, for example new vocabulary words etc, the third part should incorporate games or activities t practice the new lesson and the ending of a esson sholud be on a happy thankful note, referably a song. This approach has been teted at ther ESL program and has proved to be very succesful. Different approaches to learning can be adressed thorough ESL games, making learning lessions fun and more effective. Depending on the students theses ESl games can vary from auditorylearnig style in which games involve more listening through peoms or repitation etc. Visual ESL styles ca be used for students who are more comfortable with videos of games involving flash cards etc and finally tactile learnig styles can be used in which â€Å"touch† are used.   (Vernon) In conclusion, if the current ESL program in a School district is evaluated in terms of the comparisons and details mentioned above,   I would say that diverse approach towards the students is missing and teachers are adopting   a homogenous method towards all students. In my opinion more effort needs to be diverted in this angle where different games and teaching styles are used after analysing the capabilities of students and more emphasis should be place on practical learning.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Creationism vs. Evolutionism The Impacts of Religion

Creationism vs. Evolutionism The Impacts of Religion Introduction In the modern society, religious principles have a considerable impact on the ongoing debate regarding evolution and creationism. However, few scholars and analysts give no data as regards to the influence of religion on the debate. Studies show that religious approaches support the creationist perspective whereas non-religious approaches tend to support evolutionary perspective. It should be noted that the debate is even complex as opposed to how it is usually presented in simple terms.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Creationism vs. Evolutionism: The Impacts of Religion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Some scholars support evolution yet they are religious whereas some non-religious individuals are of the view that everything was created in the world. The understanding of the debate demands an in-depth analysis of issues surrounding the two theories or schools of thoughts. The main aim of this article is to establish the influence of religion on the big debate that has always raised controversies among scholars and analysts. Creationism vs. Evolutionism: The Impacts of Religion The issue under contention in the ongoing debate between creationist scholars and evolutionist scholars is whether the earth and everything in it were created or they came about as result of countless cosmic accidents. Creationists believe that God created everything. This is the official standpoint of many religions meaning that religion is the major variable in the debate. Without religion, the debate could be taking a different direction because the church has always opposed the idea that people evolved from apes. In fact, the debate is usually considered a debate between science and religion or reason vs. religion. Religion has ensured that the debate on the origin of species and the earth in general continues (Butler 56). The debate could be over in case the competing institutions were separa te from religion. The debate has been in existence for over one fifty years because the church has always defended its standpoint on the matter. Religion has ensured that no theory is generated to give an alternative explanation other than creation and evolution, which they highly dispute. The church upholds its status as the major societal institution, which should explain issues related to morality, sexuality, and justice. In this regard, it has always revived the debate on the origin of species, claiming that people have the right to know their origin since it would amount to morality, justice, purpose, development of the sense of self-worth, obligation, and humanity. The understanding of the origin of man has a tremendous impact on the individual behavior. The theory of evolution teaches that human beings and other species evolved through gradually to become what they are in the modern society. The current species represent the ideal population that has gone through various proc esses to be what it is now. The most superior species tend to survive while the weak is always eliminated because they are unable to cope with the challenges of society.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More For instance, the strongest species in society are able to acquire food and water. This makes them strong to acquire desirable qualities, which are passed from one generation to the other. Charles Darwin termed this type of arrangement as the survival for the fittest because only the strong species could live long (Beer and Darwin 69) Evolution theory tends to suggest that the less fit species should be eliminated in society to pave way for the strong. Through this, resources would be enough for only the strong species (Miller 21). According to the theory, nature is very discriminative because it does not allow the mating of the strong with the weaker. Moreov er, it does not allow the blending of superior and inferior race because this would destroy quality. If nature allows the blending of various races, the process of evolution would be under threat because inferior qualities that are unable to cope with the environment would be produced. Therefore, the war of nature and other factors such as famine and inadequacy of resources have led to the extinction of weak species. The current species in the modern society are all strong implying that no species is going to be lost any soon. Human beings are not exempted from the war of nature simply because they are a class of animals. The theory of evolution has always been misquoted to execute social injustices such as exterminating so many Jews during the Second World War. Hitler was of the view that Jews were from an inferior race yet they were multiplying like vermin. This means that the world would then be filled with an inferior race, with undesirable qualities. Scholars at the time did no t oppose Hitler’s views because some claimed that Hitler was a reasonable evolutionist who was fulfilling the theory of natural selection. Some scholars claimed that Hitler’s actions were to be understood within the precincts of evolution. Stalin invoked the theory of evolution in exterminating the lives of over sixty million people in the world. This shows that the theory can affect negatively human behavior. People misquote or misinterpret the theory to suit their own selfish interests. The church has always given these reasons to justify the claim that the theory of evolution should never be relied upon to explain the origin of species. The church has been successful in convincing people to believe that the theory is destructive since it states that the weak should be allowed to die since they would have been selected negatively. The issue of natural selection and survival for the fittest is one of the issues that have encouraged various religious organizations to f ight back enthusiastically. In reality, the theory of evolution is unethical since it claims that the weak should be left to die since they do not have a chance of surviving in an environment that is dominated by the strong individual.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Creationism vs. Evolutionism: The Impacts of Religion specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The church and other religious organizations from Islamic and Hindu religions cannot sit back and see the weak oppressed simply because the theory of evolution does not favor them. This would amount to immorality and injustice to the weak. This is something that does not please God. The church, as well as other religious groups, has consistently accused evolutionary theory for bringing about all forms of evil in the human life. Evolutionary theory posits that survival is for the fittest in society meaning that oppression and subjugation is justified. Moreover , an individual is justified to do anything in society, as long as it enables him or her to survive. This would mean that social crimes such as robbery, kidnapping, carjacking, murder, money laundering, and drug trafficking are justifiable since it is a source of livelihood to many individuals. It is claimed that the church has played a critical role in ensuring that evolution theory is not applied fully in society since many people could have suffered. The rich in society have always dominated the poor by subjecting them to poor working conditions claiming that survival is for the fittest in society (Strobel 88). Through evolution theory, some scholars came up with a notion that the end will always justify the mean implying that the process through which an individual uses in achieving his or her objective does not matter in society. However, the religion groups have always ensured that all people, including those in positions of influence, observe ethics. The theory has not been e xecuted fully since religion has played a role of hampering full implementation of the theory. Religion teaches that God, created the earth, as well as all living creatures meaning he has the right of taking what he brought in this world. In this regard, no entity should try to take away life with claims that only the strong should survive. Abortion would be allowed legally in many parts of the world in case religious groups do not intervene during the designing of constitutions. In Kenya, there was a heated debate over abortion, with some claiming that it should be allowed since it is part of the process of natural selection. The church was able to reduce the debate to when does life start. Some noted that life starts at conception while others argued that life starts at birth. However, religion prevailed because it was agreed that abortion could not be procured unless under special conditions, especially when the life of the mother was under threat. The church has contributed too much to the debate. It has influenced the direction of the debate by giving some justifications based on the bible and Quran. Beer, Gillian, and Darwin, Charles. The origin of species. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. Print.Advertising Looking for research paper on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Butler, Samuel. Evolution, Old and New: Or the Theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, As Compared With That of Charles Darwin (1911). Washington: Kessinger Publishing, 2007. Print. Miller, James . An evolving dialogue: theological and scientific perspectives on evolution. Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 2001. Print. Strobel, Lee. The case for a Creator: a journalist investigates scientific evidence that points toward God. Grand Rapids: Zondervan/Willow Creek Resources, 2004. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Fantasys Integral Role In Creation Of A Monster Essays - Free Essays

Fantasys Integral Role In Creation Of A Monster Essays - Free Essays Fantasys Integral Role In Creation Of A Monster Fantasy's integral role in the creation of a monster In the past decade, the elusive creature known as the serial killer has captured the attention of American culture. With the popular press churning out dozens of books and movies centered around the serial killer each year, the term has almost become a catch-phrase, replacing earlier terms such as 'homicidal maniac.' Fiction writers and the movie industry use 'serial killer' in a much more casual manner than can be allowed in a systematic study. Therefore, for a proper definition of what constitutes a serial killer, pop culture cannot be used as a source. It cannot be denied that the serial killer kills. Killing, however, integrates a variety of meanings. A mere slip of the hand on the steering wheel can turn a normal person into a killer. And it is conceivable that a second such happening could turn an otherwise normal person into a serial killer of sorts. The FBI's Uniform Crime Reports define murder as the willful, nonnegligent, killing of one human being by another (Holmes & De Burger, 1988). The serial murderer, then, is what has fascinated American culture, and captured the attention of the law enforcement world. For the purposes of this paper, serial killer and serial murderer will be used as interchangeable terms. Narrowing the definition to intentional homicide does not, however, limit the category sufficiently. Under the heading of intentional homicide falls the work of hired assassins, mercenaries, and the guerrilla warrior. These types of people are not of great interest, at least not in this context. The three above types of murderer work for obvious, understandable goals. The hired assassin and mercenary work for one of the most obvious motivations, money, while the guerrilla fighter kills for some ideal. The serial killers of the popular media, and of this paper do not work for such external, obvious goals. Instead, they are driven from within, living and dying for that which appeals only to them. The nature of this drive has been heavily debated, but there is a consensus on some points. Sexual undertones in the murder have been noted by many researchers. This point was first espoused two decades ago, by David Abrahamson (1973), who said simply, sexual elements are always involved... (p.11) in murder. More recently, this was qualified by Albert Drukteinis (1992) , who recognized that the sexual element of the crime varies depending on its meaning to the offender (p.533). In other words, that which signifies womanhood may differ radically between killers. At the same time, similarities in the acts and thoughts of serial killers cannot be denied. These sexual undertones are one of the more prominent difference, and have inspired several researchers to refer to the self-motivated serial murderer as a serial sexual murder (Ressler, 1988). One of the other common points concerning the serial killer is the presence of free will. It cannot be denied that there are a great deal of unconscious drives present in the actions of the serial killer, and that these drives are still shrouded in darkness. At the same time, there is a great deal of evidence that the serial killer acts from a conscious perspective (Holmes & De Burger, 1988, p.98). Simply put, the serial killer decides to kill. These two points make the serial killer simply fascinating for a sizable portion of American culture, as evidenced by the continuing production of serial-killer based works. And these two points make serial killers similar enough to be put in one category, but different enough to make them difficult to study. Indeed, Albert Drukteinis (1992) argues that the mere existence of common characteristics among serial killers does not constitute a distinct psychological phenomenon. Contrary to Drukteinis' statement, however, the serial killer is indeed a distinct psychological phenomenon. If one group was to be labeled as the leading authority on serial killers, it would have to be the FBI, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI has studied serial killer methodically for over a decade (Ressler, 1988), and has compiled vast amounts of information concerning the killers themselves, their methods, and their motivations. Still, they have not developed a

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Kublai Khan, Ruler of Mongolia and China

Biography of Kublai Khan, Ruler of Mongolia and China Kublai Khan (September 23, 1215–February 18, 1294) was a Mongol emperor who founded the Yuan Dynasty in China. He was the most famous grandson of the great conqueror Genghis Khan, expanding his grandfathers empire and ruling the vast territory. He was the first non-Han emperor to conquer all of China. Fast Fact: Kublai Khan Known For:  Mongol Emperor, conqueror of southern China, founder of the Yuan dynasty in ChinaAlso Known As:  Kubla, KhubilaiBorn:  September 23, 1215 in MongoliaParents: Tolui and SorkhotaniDied:  February 18, 1294 in Khanbaliq (modern-day Beijing, China)Education: UnknownSpouse(s): Tegulen, Chabi of the Khonigirad, Nambui  Children: Dorji, Zhenjin, Manggala, Nomukhan, Khutugh-beki, and many others Early Life Although Kublai Khan was the grandson of Genghis Khan, very little is known about his childhood. We do know that Kublai was born in 1215 to Tolui (the youngest son of Genghis) and his wife Sorkhotani, a Nestorian Christian princess of the Kereyid Confederacy. Kublai was the couples fourth son. Sorkhotani was famously ambitious for her sons  and raised them to be leaders of the Mongol Empire, despite their alcoholic and fairly ineffectual father. Sorkhotanis political savvy was legendary; Rashid al-Din of Persia noted that she was extremely intelligent and able and towered above all the women in the world. With their mothers support and influence, Kublai and his brothers would go on to take control of the Mongol world from their uncles and cousins. Kublais brothers included Mongke, later also Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, and Hulagu, Khan of the Ilkhanate in the Middle East who crushed the Assassins but was fought to a standstill at Ayn Jalut by the Egyptian Mamluks. From an early age, Kublai proved adept at traditional Mongol pursuits. At 9, he had his first recorded hunting success and he would relish hunting for the rest of his life. He also excelled at conquest, the other Mongolian sport of the day. Gathering Power In 1236, Kublais uncle Ogedei Khan granted the young man a fiefdom of 10,000 households in Hebei Province, northern China. Kublai did not administer the region directly, allowing his Mongol agents a free hand. They imposed such high taxes on the Chinese peasants that many fled their land. At last, Kublai took a direct interest and halted abuses, so that the population grew once more. When Kublais brother Mongke became Great Khan in 1251, he named Kublai Viceroy of Northern China. Two years later, Kublai struck deep into southwest China, in what would be a three-year campaign to pacify Yunnan, the Sichuan region, and the Kingdom of Dali. In a sign of his growing attachment to China and Chinese customs, Kublai ordered his advisors to select a site for a new capital based on feng shui. They chose a spot on the frontier between Chinas agricultural lands and the Mongolian steppe; Kublais new northern capital was called Shang-tu (Upper Capital), which Europeans later interpreted as Xanadu. Kublai was at war in Sichuan once again in 1259, when he learned that his brother Mongke had died. Kublai did not immediately withdraw from Sichuan upon Mongke Khans death, leaving his younger brother Arik Boke time to gather troops and convene a kuriltai, or selecting council, in Karakhoram, the Mongol capital. The kuriltai named Arik Boke as the new Great Khan, but Kublai and his brother Hulagu disputed the result and held their own kuriltai, which named Kublai the Great Khan. This dispute touched off a civil war. Kublai, the Great Khan Kublais troops destroyed the Mongol capital at Karakhoram, but Arik Bokes army continued fighting. It was not until August 21, 1264, that Arik Boke finally surrendered to his older brother at Shang-tu. As Great Khan, Kublai Khan had direct control over the Mongol homeland and Mongol possessions in China. He was also the head of the larger Mongol Empire, with a measure of authority over the leaders of the Golden Horde in Russia, the Ilkhanates in the Middle East, and the other hordes. Although Kublai exerted power over much of Eurasia, opponents to Mongol rule still held out in nearby southern China. He needed to conquer this region once and for all and unite the land. Conquest of Song China In a program to win Chinese allegiance, Kublai Khan converted to Buddhism, moved his main capital from Shang-du to Dadu (modern-day Beijing), and named his dynasty in China Dai Yuan in 1271. Naturally, this prompted charges that he was abandoning his Mongol heritage and sparked riots in Karakhoram. Nevertheless, this tactic was successful. In 1276, most of the Song imperial family formally surrendered to Kublai Khan, yielding their royal seal to him, but this was not the end of resistance. Led by the Empress Dowager, loyalists continued to fight until 1279, when the Battle of Yamen marked the final conquest of Song China. As Mongol forces surrounded the palace, a Song official jumped into the ocean carrying the 8-year-old Chinese emperor, and both drowned. Kublai Khan as Yuan Emperor Kublai Khan came to power through strength of arms, but his reign also featured advancements in political organization and the arts and sciences. The first Yuan Emperor organized his bureaucracy based on the traditional Mongol ordu or court system, but also adopted many aspects of Chinese administrative practice. It was a shrewd decision since he had only tens of thousands of Mongols with him, and they had to rule millions of Chinese. Kublai Khan also employed large numbers of Chinese officials and advisors. New artistic styles flourished as Kublai Khan sponsored a melding of Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism. He also issued paper currency that was good throughout China and was backed by gold reserves. The emperor patronized astronomers and clockmakers  and hired a monk to create a written language for some of Western Chinas non-literate languages. Visit of Marco Polo From a European perspective, one of the most important events in Kublai Khans reign was the 20-year sojourn in China by Marco Polo, along with his father and uncle. To the Mongols, however, this interaction was simply an amusing footnote. Marcos father and uncle had previously visited Kublai Khan  and were returning in 1271 to deliver a letter from the Pope and some oil from Jerusalem to the Mongol ruler. The Venetian merchants brought along the 16-year-old Marco, who was gifted in languages. After an overland journey of three and a half years, the Polos reached Shang-du. Marco likely served as a court functionary of some sort. Although the family asked permission to return to Venice several times over the years, Kublai Khan denied their requests. Finally, in 1292, they were allowed to return along with the wedding cortege of a Mongol princess, who was sent to Persia to marry one of the Ilkhans. The wedding party sailed the Indian Ocean trade routes, a voyage that took two years and introduced Marco Polo to what is now Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. Marco Polos vivid descriptions of his Asian travels, as told to a friend, inspired many other Europeans to seek wealth and exotic experiences in the Far East. However, it is important not to overstate his influence; trade along the Silk Road was in full flow long before his travelogue was published. Kublai Khans Invasions and Blunders Although he ruled the worlds richest empire in Yuan China, as well as the second-largest land empire ever, Kublai Khan was not content. He grew obsessed with further conquest in East and Southeast Asia. Kublais land-based attacks on Burma, Annam (northern Vietnam), Sakhalin, and Champa (southern Vietnam) were all nominally successful. Each of these countries became tributary states of Yuan China, but the tribute they submitted did not even begin to pay for the cost of conquering them. Even more ill-advised were Kublai Khans sea-borne invasions of Japan in 1274 and 1281, as well as the 1293 invasion of Java (now in Indonesia). The defeats of these armadas seemed to some of Kublai Khans subjects as a sign that he had lost the Mandate of Heaven. Death In 1281, Kublai Khans favorite wife and close companion Chabi died. This sad event was followed in 1285 by the death of Zhenjin, the Great Khans oldest son and heir apparent. With these losses, the Kublai Khan began to withdraw from the  administration of his empire. Kublai Khan tried to drown his sorrow with alcohol and luxurious food. He grew quite obese and developed gout. After a long decline, he died on February 18, 1294. He was buried in secret burial grounds in Mongolia. Kublai Khans Legacy The Great Khan was succeeded by his grandson Temur Khan, the son of Zhenjin. Kublais daughter Khutugh-beki married King Chungnyeol of Goryeo and became Queen of Korea as well. In Europe, Khans empire prompted wild flights of fancy from the time of  Marco Polos  expedition. His name may be most remembered in western countries today from the poem Kubla Khan, written by Samuel Coleridge in 1797. More importantly, Kublai Khans reign had an enormous impact on Asian history. He is regarded as one of the greatest rulers in history. He had reunited China after centuries of division and strife and ruled with shrewdness. Although the Yuan Dynasty lasted only until 1368, it served as a precedent for the later ethnic-Manchu Qing Dynasty. Sources Polo, Marco, Hugh Murray Giovanni Battista Baldelli Boni. The Travels of Marco Polo, New York: Harper Brothers, 1845.Rossabi, Morris. Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Everything You Know About Leadership Is Wrong Assignment

Everything You Know About Leadership Is Wrong - Assignment Example The author also argues that the trainings are inefficient because they fail to include employees in the sessions yet she considers this to be essential for leadership to be successful. Ryan argues that the elimination of the fear of the leader in a group, the use of technology, and the improvement of human relations in organizations leads to successful teamwork and leadership (3). The topic that Ryan discusses is related to leadership styles that include authoritative, free rein, and participative (Lewin Slide 16). The author discourages the authoritative leadership style that is the one where the leader dictates what members of a team are supposed to do or not do. This is because this style of leadership is bureaucratic and it creates fear among workers. When workers fear the leader, this leads to the inefficiency of a team because it consequently leads to lack of trust between the leader and the followers. The author, however, does not point out anything about free rein, which is the style where the leader delegates all functions to the team members. In this style, the leader endorses decisions that are made by the followers without objections (Shriberg et al 70). The author encourages the participative leadership style that is the one where the leader involves members in making all decisions. When there is training, leaders and followers are involved so that they can discuss issues as a group. This helps to reduce fear and create trust among the members of a team (Ryan 3). This topic is also related to the human relations style of management that is the one where managers cater for the needs of employees before any other needs. The consideration of employee’s wants before others leads to efficiency in the performance of work, which consequently improves the performance of companies. This topic is also related to the subject about the stages of teams and their dysfunctions. Ryan argues

Krumboltzs Theory - Journal Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Krumboltzs Theory - Journal Critique - Essay Example The article by Thoresen, Hosford, and Krumboltz, ‘Determining Effective Models for Counseling Clients of Varying Competencies’, also highlights how the difference in the social modeling techniques also has a clear impact on the behavior of the clients and observers. The authors have used the theory suggested by Krumboltz and have based the entire research to support the theory and provide a better view of the social background and its impact (Thoresen, Hosford and Krumbolte). The Krumboltz’s case teaches clearly that one of the major factors while deciding a career plan for a group of people is to consider the race and creed and also keep in mind the previous history of learning as it would assist in better planning for the students and create a more effective career development plan. The theory by Krumboltz has a allows a chance to increase the associative learning experience and also allows the individuals to react well to factors like gender, race, creed and al so including factors like both the planned as well as unplanned occurrences as well. Another very essential factor that has been included and provided in the article by   (Spoth, Trudeau and Guyll), clearly indicates the importance of family intervention and how these interventions in the previous stages can clearly have an impact on the young adults and also abstain them from getting addicted to unhealthy habits. This also highlights, Krumboltz’s theory and contributes to the theory to quite a great extent. The article also provides a clear interlink of how the intervention of a parent or a family can lead to a delayed or no use of any substance by the young adults. Together it is essential to note that the four main factors that affect the career decision making include: a) Genetic Endowment and special abilities, b) Environmental conditions and events, c) Learning Experience and d) Task Approach Skills. Irrespective of the schools or the area where the schools are locate d the various authors and scholars have noted that the intervention of family has a major impact on the young adults and this impact can help them make very important decisions in their lives (Spoth, Trudeau and Guyll).

Friday, October 18, 2019

Icelands Business Laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Icelands Business Laws - Essay Example With the exemption to particular agricultural products, Iceland practices a liberal trade policy. Since being reviewed back in the year 2000, there has been no major changes made to Iceland's import system in spite of the entry into force of a new customs law on January 1, 2006. MFN (Most Favored-Nation) applied tariff in Iceland is 5.9% with a high percentage of tariff lines profit from duty free treatment. In agricultural products, average MFN applied tariffs is 18.3% according to WTO definition in comparison to other goods that is only 2.5%. The trade and investment relations in Iceland occur under preferential rules. Under various free-trade agreements, Iceland offers preferential tariffs on imports from its 37 WTO Member Nations. Despite the fact that Iceland's growing number of preferential agreements may be lessened by the nation's application of the Pan-European Cumulation System for rules of origin, this has increased the complexity of its trade system. Other outside factors affecting imports in Iceland include a value-added tax, excise taxes, and some other specific charges. Generally, such charges is considered a burden to small economies like Iceland and is significantly heavier than that of the tariffs themselves falling mostly on imports as Iceland depends on imported products in meeting most of its domestic needs. Export restrictions are practiced by Iceland with the purpose of protecting human and animal health. One specific example is the requirement that should be met by producers of lamb meat to export a percentage of their production in regulating the domestic supply. As a result, export goods made from agricultural raw materials gain from a refund equal to the difference between the cost of raw materials in the international and domestic markets. Iceland's law permits the establishment of free zones. Apart from agriculture, aid coming from the state is low and is generally of a horizontal nature due to the fact that it is focused mainly on research and development, support of small and medium-sized businesses, training, and job creation. Iceland's Environmental Protection Iceland had learned a lesson from the 1783 volcanic eruption and just how much it cost to the environment. The environmental disaster has been described as an amazing and portentous one and full of horrible phenomena (White 1789). The article of Brayshay and Grattan (1995) indicated that the emissions from Icelandic volcanic eruptions are capable of causing serious environmental damage, prompting alarm and panic among the population in locations far from the source. Grattan and Charman (1994) added that the palaeoenvironmental implications of this episode have been considered elsewhere, however the full impact on Britain was clearly profound and more work is needed to examine the wider European picture. The question being thrown for the future will be to seek more systematic evidence of crop damage and the impact of adverse weather on food prices. Nevertheless, valuable information that greatly extend our knowledge not only of the impact of volcanic eruptions on distant societies an d ecosystems have been made available on contemporary newspaper and journal accounts that also provide some new light on the character of the responses of those communities

Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4

Company Law - Essay Example This will be accomplished by setting out the main features of the limited liability company and the partnership. Once these features are set out, comparisons relative to the advantages of a registered limited liability company over a partnership can be explained and evaluated. The main legal benefits of a registered limited liability company is the existence of perpetual life, its separate legal personality from its incorporators and the limited liability of shareholders and other classes of owners and investors.2 Under UK company law, a company has limited liability status when the shareholders’ liability is limited to the amount that is â€Å"payable for the shares†.3 A registered company simply refers to the fact that the company is registered with the companies’ registrar and is a typical function of UK company law formalities.4 The concept of limited liability was first introduced in UK law under the Limited Liability Act 1855 conferring upon shareholders what was characterized as â€Å"conditional limited liability†.5 Liability was conditional upon providing â€Å"a minimal capital† which necessitated adding the word limited to the company’s name signaling the fact of liability.6 In 1856 the UK introduced the Joint Stock Companies Act which officially made limited liability unconditional. The Companies Act 1862 reflected the concept of limited liability and the era of limited liability was deeply entrenched in the UK’s corporate culture.7 Essentially, what limited liability means is that the shareholders of the company many not be held liable for the company’s debts â€Å"beyond the amount that he has chosen to invest†.8 In other words, if the company is unable to discharge its debts the shareholders cannot be personally liable for the shortfall. A limited liability company also enjoys the status of legal personality which

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Essay

How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Dream - Essay Example It is noticeable that post World War one is considered as a the most prosperous time of the United States, but still there were great number of people at that time in the US, who had to struggle and suffer hard to make their dreams come true (TCF). One of such stories is written by an American novelist F.Scott Fitzgerald in 1922. This story is about a poor boy, who had a dream, a passion, and a potential to do something outstanding to gain fame and money in life. In this paper, we shall compare American Dream life portrayed by F.Scott Fitzgerald in his famous novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby† with notions interlinked with the modern American dream. Modern American Dream is a vast topic and a heated debate in town hall meeting across the state. Is American dream dead or still alive s a big question keeps on flickering on every American’s mind. And a run to an authentic and realistic answer to this question motivates a study entitling â€Å"Modern American Dream† acros s the nation. With the findings of this study, it has come forward that majority of American population strongly believe that American Dream is exhausted, but not dead. Current, financial downfalls, due to recession are challenging, which hangs the US future in between dark and bright (Ford, Dion and Conway). Many people think that American dream is one of the most significant fundamentals of American identity, for which fundamental change, with modernization and metamorphosis is needed. Additionally, it is noteworthy, with modernization and advancements American dream is no more similar to what it was a few decades before, just a house ownership in the locality. But, now an American dream is much vast, diversified and individualistic. In other words, it can be said that today people do not have one big dream, but they have now lots of little dreams with controlled self destinies (Sawhill). Similar individualistic dreams of a young boy are discussed by F.Scott Fitzgerald. Dreams of Gatsby are no different from an ordinary American of today. It is in a way that both have their individual dreams, smudged with a passion to understand success on their own and a personal enthusiasm to stay focused on one dream at a time. Likewise, from story the story of Gatsby it has been understood that he was an ordinary in fact a poor boy belonged to rural family of North Dakota (Fitzgerald). He had all those similar dreams, which today people have in America of attaining success in each desired aspect. As we have understood that modern American dream is no more confined to saving money, securing montage and buying home, but it is more about traveling to the path towards defined ambitions. Similar cognitive approaches were adopted by the focused dreamer of F.Scott Fitzgerald’s story. Dreams of Gatsby can be relate with the Albert Camus’ philosophy of absurdism, which based on the concept of nothingness referring to the struggles an ordinary individual make in ques t for dreams. Gatsby started weaving his dreams since childhood like children of many working class people, who had to learn sacrifice at a very early stage of life. Gatsby was one of those individuals, who promised himself at a very early age to remove all those situations from his life that discomfort each day, he aimed to get something extraordinary in life, but did not focus particularly on money. Poor Gatsby dreamt to alter his circumstance as he strongly believed that there is a lot to do and rediscover own self

Anglo American Plc report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Anglo American Plc report - Essay Example The five major categories of financial ratios are liquidity, financial leverage, asset efficiency, profitability, and market values (Peavler, 2013). The purpose of this report is to analyze the financial performance of the company Anglo American Plc by performing ratio analysis. Trend Analysis Anglo American A trend analysis of some key financial indicators of Anglo American is illustrated below. 2012 (millions) 2011 (millions) % change Sales 28761 30580 -5.94% Gross profit 2768 13237 -79.09% Expenses 30449 21141 44.03% Interest payable 798 695 14.82% Net profit before tax 138 10599 -98.70% Total assets 79369 72422 9.56% Total liabilities 35582 29253 17.79% Capital and reserves 37657 39092 -3.67% Advantages ratio analysis Ratio analysis is a tremendous analytic tool that can be used to evaluate the financial performance of an enterprise. One of the virtues of this type of analysis is that any person with access to the internet can extract the financial statements of a company to real ize the analysis. The basic formulas used as input in ratio analysis mostly utilize data from the financial statements of the company. The use of ratio analysis can help people instantly check weather a company is sound financially (Bott, 2013). Another advantage of ratio analysis is that the ratios can be compared against the performance of other companies or the industry. Financial ratios can also be compared against the financial ratio results of previous years. The ratio analysis performed on Anglo American in this paper includes the use of 21 different ratios. Ratio Analysis Anglo American The net margin of Anglo American in 2012 was -2.1%. Net margin measures the absolute profitability of a company. It is calculated dividing net profit by total sales. A negative net margin result is an unfavorable outcome. This ratio was chosen because it shows the profitability of the firm. In 2012 Anglo American obtained an earnings per share (EPS) metric of -$1.19. The company’s EPS went down by $3.91 since the previous fiscal year. Earnings per share is the portion of a company’s profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock (Investopedia, 2013). EPS was selected because this metric influences the buying decisions of investors. The return on assets (ROA) of the company in 2012 was -0.8%. ROA is calculated by dividing net income by total assets. The reason I selected this ratio is because it shows how effective a company has been at generating profits from its assets. The efficiency of the company is an important aspect of the operations to measure. Anglo American achieved a return on equity (ROE) in 2012 of -1.4%. This metric measures the extent to which financial leverage is working towards benefiting the company. The formula to calculate return on equity is net income divided by total equity. ROE was used in this analysis because this metric demonstrates the ability of the firm to generate income from its equity. The debt ratio of the com pany is calculated dividing total debt by total assets. Anglo American had a debt ratio in 2012 of 0.45: 1. This ratio shows how well prepared the company is to pay off its long term debt. Anglo American does not seem to have overextended its debt position. The debt ratio was used in the analysis due to the fact that this ratio evaluates the long term solvency of the firm. Typically companies are in trouble when the debt ratio is too

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Essay

How American Dream in The Great Gatsby Compares to the Modern American Dream - Essay Example It is noticeable that post World War one is considered as a the most prosperous time of the United States, but still there were great number of people at that time in the US, who had to struggle and suffer hard to make their dreams come true (TCF). One of such stories is written by an American novelist F.Scott Fitzgerald in 1922. This story is about a poor boy, who had a dream, a passion, and a potential to do something outstanding to gain fame and money in life. In this paper, we shall compare American Dream life portrayed by F.Scott Fitzgerald in his famous novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby† with notions interlinked with the modern American dream. Modern American Dream is a vast topic and a heated debate in town hall meeting across the state. Is American dream dead or still alive s a big question keeps on flickering on every American’s mind. And a run to an authentic and realistic answer to this question motivates a study entitling â€Å"Modern American Dream† acros s the nation. With the findings of this study, it has come forward that majority of American population strongly believe that American Dream is exhausted, but not dead. Current, financial downfalls, due to recession are challenging, which hangs the US future in between dark and bright (Ford, Dion and Conway). Many people think that American dream is one of the most significant fundamentals of American identity, for which fundamental change, with modernization and metamorphosis is needed. Additionally, it is noteworthy, with modernization and advancements American dream is no more similar to what it was a few decades before, just a house ownership in the locality. But, now an American dream is much vast, diversified and individualistic. In other words, it can be said that today people do not have one big dream, but they have now lots of little dreams with controlled self destinies (Sawhill). Similar individualistic dreams of a young boy are discussed by F.Scott Fitzgerald. Dreams of Gatsby are no different from an ordinary American of today. It is in a way that both have their individual dreams, smudged with a passion to understand success on their own and a personal enthusiasm to stay focused on one dream at a time. Likewise, from story the story of Gatsby it has been understood that he was an ordinary in fact a poor boy belonged to rural family of North Dakota (Fitzgerald). He had all those similar dreams, which today people have in America of attaining success in each desired aspect. As we have understood that modern American dream is no more confined to saving money, securing montage and buying home, but it is more about traveling to the path towards defined ambitions. Similar cognitive approaches were adopted by the focused dreamer of F.Scott Fitzgerald’s story. Dreams of Gatsby can be relate with the Albert Camus’ philosophy of absurdism, which based on the concept of nothingness referring to the struggles an ordinary individual make in ques t for dreams. Gatsby started weaving his dreams since childhood like children of many working class people, who had to learn sacrifice at a very early stage of life. Gatsby was one of those individuals, who promised himself at a very early age to remove all those situations from his life that discomfort each day, he aimed to get something extraordinary in life, but did not focus particularly on money. Poor Gatsby dreamt to alter his circumstance as he strongly believed that there is a lot to do and rediscover own self

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Eschatology Religion and Theology Research Paper

Eschatology Religion and Theology - Research Paper Example It is also good to look at the Hebrew’s approach to afterlife, and finally a conclusion can be drawn. According to the traditional definition, eschatology means the doctrinal teachings of the "last things". Eschatology relations involve the relations of individuals (including resurrection, death, judgment, as well as the afterlife). It also explores man’s relationship with the world. In the latter respect, the doctrine of eschatology tends to be restricted, at times, to the absolute destruction of the world. The biblical usage is not warranted by the restrictions of eschatology. The "last days" may imply the end of the current order, or "hereafter." Eschatology, according to the Greeks point of understanding, as drawn from the Theological Terminology Dictionary, entails studying about the end times. It further integrates the second appearance of Jesus Christ, the rapture, the millennial kingdom of Christ Jesus, the battle of Armageddon, the ultimate judgment of Satan to gether with his false prophets and angles, and the new earth and the new heaven. National Eschatology The hope of national resurrection is expressed earlier compared to the individual resurrection. In the vision of the dry bone, God showed Ezekiel that the divine breath has the potential of breathing new life into the dead, thus featuring a national resurrection: "These bones are the whole house of Israel" (Ezek. 37:11). â€Å"Isaiah 26: 19 promises a national resurrection.† "Thy dead shall live, their bodies shall rise". Resurrection for the individual first is explicit as put in (Dan. 12:2). Martyrs persecution under Antiochus Epiphanes offered a powerful assurance upon the resurrection hope. Therefore, belief in the resurrection of the righteous, at least, was adopted as part of Orthodox Judaism, in exception to the Sadducees. The Sadducees claimed to be the champions of religion of the old-time contrary to Pharisaic innovations. Having attained there is a sharper distinct ion existing between the wicked people and the afterlife fortunes of the righteous, in Gehenna or heaven (Paradise) respectively. According to the significant teaching of the "day of the Lord", (Amos 5:18 - 20), the Israelites have been rebuked because of their anxiousness for it. The day would neither bring light nor joy though that was their hope. It would rather bring mourning and darkness. Because Yahweh is absolutely righteous, the intervention for vindicating His action must include the righteous judgment wherever it appears, particularly amongst His chosen people, who obtained exceptional opportunities and got to know His will. Individual Eschatology in the Old Testament Afterlife existence is much contemplated in the Old Testament. Jesus indeed revealed that immortality was implicit in humans’ in relationship to God: the LORD God is God of living and not of the dead (Luke 20:38). However, the featured implication was unappreciated in Old Testament. Perhaps in response to the cultic practices of Canaanites regarding the dead, the Old Testament puts little emphasis concerning the afterlife. Sheol could be regarded the underworld as the place where the dead would dwell as shades; their past (former) status as well as character are less accounted for there. The praises made to Yahweh, which used to engage so much of pious activities of Israelite on earth, would remain unsung in Sheol, which would popularly be thought to apply outside the jurisdiction of Yahweh (Isa. 38:18; Ps. 88:10 - 12). In the book of Psalms, (Psalms 73 and 139) there is an assurance that the presence of God will not be deprived unto those who chose to walk with God, in their death. Job

Monday, October 14, 2019

Look at the beginning of act two Essay Example for Free

Look at the beginning of act two Essay And doesnt eat herself since she has presumably eaten with the children. In those times, (1692) wives were expected to stay at home, clean the house, cook the food, take care of the children, and obey their husbands. They were also expected to be good Christians, be calm, quiet etc. To express these qualities above, Elizabeth should probably dress in quite plain, conservative clothes, and walk straight, eyes slightly lowered, arms at the sides, and talk quietly. He then compliments her about the rabbit, Its well seasoned, and she receives it, blushing with pleasure. She then adds, that she took great care. Again, both are trying hard to be friendly to each other, to try to avoid argument. It is however; ironic that Proctor complimented her on the seasoning on the rabbit, since he seasoned it himself. After that, he talks about the farm and says with a grin I mean to please you Elizabeth. And she answers, I know it John. However, before she answers, she pauses, and finds it hard to say. This means that she might not think he honestly wants to please her, or make their marriage work. Since this is quite a dramatic moment, I think the lighting should focus on her at this point, and if present the orchestra should be silent to emphasize her hesitation. The author then repeats Elizabeths lack of love and coldness when John proctor gets up and kisses her, and then returns disappointed. This is so that if the audience misses the pause, thus showing her disbelief and distrust in him, they will see her total lack in passion and love when John is rejected from Elizabeth,. He then asks her for some cider, as gently as he can, since he feels she is hurt, and doesnt want to make her feel any worse. He then says, Its winter in here yet, which might be a hint for her to warm her heart and become more loving. Yet since her badly wants to be nice, he asks her on type of date, to walk across the farm. They both get up, and he walks to the door, and he seems quite happy. She however, isnt. He seems to notice this, and asks her if she is sad again. As they say these last lines, I think that the sense of their separation should be emphasised be lighting. Ie, the lights, which have been directed at both of them together so far, should split, a light on each character. This would subtly hint to the audience that although they are desperately striving to make their marriage work, it cant yet because there is a distance between them, and theyre not on the same wavelength. The audience can also see this when John seems deep in his thoughts about spring, flowers, and Massachusetts, while Elizabeth seems to worry about something. She answers to his question, Are you sad again and immediately justifies her answer when she says that she thought he had gone to Salem since he was back so late. This could show the audience that she thought he had gone to see Abigail, because they know Abigail lives in Salem from what they saw in act one. He knows that she thought of him going to see Abigail, so he says he has no business in Salem. This shows the audience, that although he is eager to let go of the past, (which is also shown in act one I will cut my hand off before I ever reach for you (Abigail) again. ) Elizabeth has not yet forgiven him, which he accuses her of later. You forgive nothing and forget nothin! She then admits to having let Mary go to Salem and this makes him quite angry. However, when she carries on he starts shouting at her holding back a full condemnation of her and says that she should control her servants better. Perhaps he also thinks that she should have controlled Abigail, so he wouldnt have had an affair with her. Basically, in this part of Act Two, the author shows that the strain in their relationship was caused by his affair with Abigail, which has resulted with her distrust. Miller also shows that Proctor quickly raises his temper, which could also strain a relationship. Proctor only seems to have raised his temper when Abigail and his affair with her are mentioned. This could be because he feels guilty. Knowing what parts of the act give hints to their difficult relationship helps tremendously when the play is performed, since the director knows what parts of the act he must emphasise. He can do that by using different lighting, sound effects, dramatic music from an orchestra, acting, and pauses. By Karina Wortelboer Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Vodafones Product Portfolio

Vodafones Product Portfolio Introduction Customer are always right that’s what’s is known as the principle of business regardless of what the business it is might be a retail store a manufacturing unit or even a service company the basic rule is customers are always right. The question is that why? Why are the customers always right and not the suppliers? The answer is clean and neat, the customers are the ones who facilitate the companies with revenue on which the produce the products or pay the salary to their employee and even the only source to pay off different bills. however the customers different from needs and what and since the economic resources are scares the companies have to come across different tradeoff situation where they have to choose the best possible mix of products and services that they will provide to their customers. The product mix that is decided by the suppliers are compressed in a product portfolio. A product portfolio is a method to maximize the literal value of the producible goods and services in accordance with the strategic planning by the shareholders. However a product portfolio is customized on the basis of demands by the customers and their ability to pay, another thing to add up on product portfolio is to segmenting the customers and market on which they want to focus is very important as for once the market is segmented the companies can look for more strategic marketing and operational plans. Segmenting the market can be quite easy if the companies answer one of three basic questions of marketing FOR WHOM TO PRODUCE. By these different tools and methods a company can decide on a perfect product portfolio for their market. Vodafone an international telecommunication company has been trying to plant in their foots in Qatar since year 2009 and is yet not able to capture at least 50% of the market share and the reason is imperfect product portfolio. In the project I will explain the present product portfolio of Vodafone and also give different recommendations for the company to make it better Managing customers by FISH By managing customers like fish doesn’t literally mean that customers are fish instead it is a short for â€Å"First In Still Here† a customer that visits a company once doesn’t always have to go there the next time. However the aim of every company is to keep the customers active in the organization and to supply them for endless time. The fish states that a customer who comes in for the first time should be treated in such a way that he stay in forever (Wang huges, 2014). The customers are known as rational and they may shift to any other organization it sees more value for money hence these customers need to be satisfied by dividing them into different groups such as their age, sex, attitude or even their reliability or monthly income and buying structure. Fish is not about managing customers for short term but to provide customers a comfortable environment which they carve for so that they continue visiting it again and again. In addition to this cooperation’s lack the trust building with the customers and the organizations loose customers due to not coming up to customer expectations even though it’s not the organizations faults as for the customers are so diverse and ever changing it is quite difficult to shift their resources every now and then hence it is very difficult for the companies to decide on one single accurate product portfolio. However in the next segments I would identify different techniques to find out which departmen ts or products should be removed from the organizations portfolio in order to make it effective Strategic account management Strategic account management better known as SAM is a strategic approach which comes from account management. However it is used to ensure positive and appropriate relations with different customers of the organization and it provides a shoulder to step on and freshen up relations with important and major addition to this SAM believes in providing definite customers with their specific and tailored goods and services that provide the prestige SAM has been increasingly involved in different companies due to diverse relationships required in a business community in the fields of business-business and business-customer .however strategic account management has successfully pushed the companies from no relation to very good relations with their customers and supply chain. In addition to this another advantage is that due to Strategic account management has facilitated organizations to identify different opportunities and increase income massively. Next it is seen that due to increasing number of customers, companies and competition to win the market strategic account management has been a competitive tool for different organizations to excel in the today’s world also as for strategic account management facilitates organizations in segmenting the market, teaming up with supply chain, winning the loyal customers and also to increase their profits. However the main role player in the game is the product portfolio and deciding on the products with keeping the customers in mind and the aim of satisfying them. Customer segmentation Customer segmentation is known as the door to success. Once a company is able to segment its market the company is assured to enjoy profits and high loyal customer average. Different scholars talk about customer segmentation as a goldmine available to the organizations the point arises how effectively the organization segments the market. If an organization does not faithfully decide on accurate customer segmentation it is likely to face loss as for the non-demanded products would be available to the market left unsold. Without customer segmentation a marketing mix is like a disabled person as for once the market is segmented the organizations decide on the product, price, place and promotion unless and until an organization knows there the buyers of their location, what their budget is or how much they are willing to pay, what they demand or like and what offers or promotions they are looking for it is useless to supply in general public, for no one would be willing to buy the products. Finally after customer segmentation a company is required to design a product portfolio and differentiate products, prices and designs on the basis of their customer’s affordability and income structure. It is also identified that organizations are better off when they segment the market and on the basis of income structure of the customers as for the organizations re able to identify different product portfolios for customers who are more profitable and low cost effective. Vodafone’s customers Telecom industry is known as one of the ever living industry as for rather than just being immortal the customers of telecommunication industry keeps increasing in the market. The different telecom industries in the world are able to generate new markets through the advancement of technology and derived demand through the mobile phones. In the matter of Qatar only two telecommunication companies’ reside major being the Qtel and Vodafone. Both the companies are quite competitive in order to win more and more market share of Qatar .however both the companies fight on the basis of different customer oriented approaches available to utilize. Until the introduction of Vodafone Qtel had complete control of the market but Vodafone being an international telecom industry they have actively captured enough of the market share. However it is not a huge percentage or accurate to the percentage that was expected through Vodafone and the blame is in correct product portfolio. Qatar being an Arab country requires different services unlike the western population. The chart one shows the different market share captured by the telecom industries in Qatar Chart 1- In the year 2009 it is seen that Vodafone was able to capture 16% of the market share very effectively and the reason can be due to being a fresh company in the industry the customers were likely to enter into contracts with the company in order to try something new. However after the years Vodafone is able to sustain itself but no much growth is shown in the market and finally in the year 2013 Vodafone is able to capture 25% of the market share. However the market share should be increased to a much more better ratio unlike the company from year 2009-2012 Products and services offered by Vodafone: Connectivity- Vodafone product known as gateway is a signal booster for wireless connections Headsets and headphones – Bluetooth enabled headphones Memory cards- micro and mini memory card Chargers- portable mobile and tablet chargers. Prepaid Sim cards – extras, smart packs, calls, sms, internet over mobile, data celluar. Postpaid Sim cards- Red, Classic 100. Youth packages- Falla, anghami+. Fixed telephone lines Vodafone has divided and segmented its customers on the basis of the number of customers they are able to pull of the market. However I have turned the statistic in chart format as it can be seen below in chart 2. Since Vodafone is able to capture only 25% of the 1.8 million population in the Qatar it has a number of customers using their mobile services which touch to approximately 300000 whereas on the other hand a number of customers use fixed fines still with about 100000 and broad band connections end up to 180000. Table 1- Customer portfolio Customer portfolio is made up to identify different groups of services provided by an organization in the matter of the revenue it generates for the company due to this an organization is able to judge and understand that not all segments are the same and on which of the products the company is earning very well and which of the segments they are facing losses The most important part of any organization is to send back satisfied customers and it is only possible with the way of generating an intelligent portfolio .however an intelligent or reliable portfolio is only possible through a very tested and decided upon market segment where the organization has divided its products on the basics on what the customers actually need and what they are willing to pay for and add value to strategic accounts’ services and products in line with the vision the organization has and the mission it wants to reach on. A number of scholars explain that every customer or segment for instance should be treated very differently and apart for other so that they feel the services they are opting to are specially designed for them and they come out feeling prestigious. Hence in the matter of Vodafone it is very important that they decide upon a different package for every customer that pops up in their office and make him feel special in the matter if attractiveness, price and design. Below the table shows a outlook client portfolio for vodafone that displays spans and segments of clients of that the marketing strategy ought to depend on as investing on every single segment according to reports development and the relationship/service requirement. The pursuing segments embody possible attractiveness reports and supplementary reports that the firm has to strategically assess beforehand requesting each investment in their product portfolios. BGG matrix Advantages and implications of BCG Matrix Focuses attention on cash flow and needs It is quantifiable and facile to use Easy to recall words and their meanings after denoting to company units Assume colossal marketplace allocate, economies of scale, and price association BCG has two constituents such as upcoming attractiveness of SBA (growth and profitability prospect) and stable extrapolated competitive locale (if our competitive locale looks precisely as nowadays next extrapolate). Star- (growth strategy)- the product that falls in the category of stars is said to be good nowadays and good in the upcoming so kiss it, affection it but you demand to do diagnosis all the period because if gaps increases next it moves to question mark so larger do diagnosis every single period and do not stay. However in short it can be said as mobile cellular packages specially prepaid service which mean pay before you call .however mobile data packages and prepaid call rates from Vodafone is acting as start for the company and it may further generate revenues for the company Question mark- (growth strategy)- the products that fall in the category of question marks are said to be poor nowadays and good in the upcoming so you seize milk from cow and locale it in question mark as a matter of fact broadband connections are acting as question marks for the Vodafone company . However we believe that in the near future it is likely to increase sales and come up generating profits for the company. Dog- (retrenchment strategy) the products that fall in the category of Dogs they are said to be poor nowadays and poor in the upcoming so locale the dog beyond the door that is cut back from SBA .however in the situation of Vodafone it is the land-line connection and due to the advancement and common sizing of mobile phones there are a very few chances for the community to accept landlines again. On the other hand it is a hectic situation for a person to shift from one service provider to another in the matter of landlines. Hence Vodafone is not able to capture of much of the market in Qatar Cow- (stability) –the goods that fall in the category of cash cows good nowadays and poor in the upcoming so cash cow that is seize the milk and be it a little whereas else. Retain milking the cow that is SBA acting good nowadays but not in the upcoming so make as far money as probable now. In the matter of Vodafone I can be easily understood that the product they are talking about is specially tailored youth services which mainly include Fallah service and is meant to be cheap and for a minor call rate. However the customers of Fallah program of Vodafone has not only captured the youth but also many women and men in the community Conclusions In conclusion to this project we can understand the importance of product portfolio, how it changes the impact it has in the community and how it is able to capture the market share with regards to Vodafone it is understood how the company should work on its product portfolio and what things Vodafone is lacking in its product portfolio. In addition to this an organization is supposed to understand on what products it should produce and segment the market on the basics of the targeted segment by which the organization is able capture more market share and return back satisfied customers in the matter of Vodafone the company has no yet able to segment the market accurately and they should look towards the customers they are targeting and what they require I can justify this by stating the matter of fact of Vodafone that they are unable to provide different services to women and they are forced to come to youth Fallah packages as for it suits their needs more accurately . However finall y the Vodafone is analyzed on the basic of BGG matrix in the way that the cash cows, stars , dogs and question marks are identified. Recommendations After assessing Vodafone’s client portfolio and dotted the crucial question marks reports it feels that for Vodafone it is important to own the world-class sales forces and report association qualities as grasping business-to-business and business-to-customer connections, be confidentially accountable for clients wanted aftermath, comprehend their company and necessities, being adjacent and inside grasp, resolve customers’ setbacks, and be creative in responding to customers’ needs across an innovative RD workshop Vodafone has to gaze beyond the competitive gains that they own, they have to grasp an competent client connections and report association by looking into customers’ needs and clarify deep vision of their customer’s expectations, and recognize the needs and opportunities beforehand their clients do, they have to deed as a crucial power for their clients and add worth to their services, because clients yet demand their telecom operator to d eed and present in a method that differentiate them from their matches and uphold a competitive locale in the marketplace as corporates and of sequence meets confidential needs as individual customers. Though, Vodafone has to accept additionally a Crucial Client Association (SCM) outlook that can be attained across strategizing of sales procedures and constructions Vodafone outlook SCM necessities the following: